Thursday, March 14, 2013

Crimson Day!

There are some things that really make me happy  Driving into Cambridge is one of my all time favorites, and today afforded that opportunity as I was able to attend a Teachers As Scholars program at Harvard University.  Wowsa!  Zooming down Route 2, as I crest a hill seeing the skyline of Boston is such a rush.  Yes, I adore the lakeside of Vermont, but the feel of being int he city beats to my heart as well.

I was an hour early so I was able to hang out at the amazing Burdick's Chocolates.  Sipping on a dark hot chocolate while the cafe was nearly empty was so relaxing.  I needed a day like this after the few weeks I've had.  I've been up, I've been down.  I've joked in postings here about the large amounts of caffeine I've been drinking - not so funny.  It adds to my anxiety.  Springtime for me only brings on depression (a topic for another blog post), and I'm trying to come to terms with that.  While people are talking about tulips and daffodils and bunnies and added sunshine, I want to go to bed and cry.  But today, sitting in Burdicks, I felt a confidence and strength that I haven't felt in a while.  Once again I was KRISTIN.

I started to think back to one of the best times I've ever had at Burdick's - meeting up with a former student/cheerleader from my times at St. Edward High School in Elgin, Illinois, my first teaching job.  I'm still in touch with MissMolly, who has impressed me with her ability to live around the globe and become the most amazing person, never once losing her zest for life.  I want to continue to live like her - once again an example of the student instructing the teacher.  When she contacts me on Facebook I can't help but smile.  Her energy transcends the miles!  When she calls me "Coach" I am once again brought back to the gym, having her challenge me on some silly topic during cheerleading practice.  My hair was blonde, I was in my early twenties, and had no idea what life would hold.

The early morning city always holds so much friendliness.  I prefer it to later in the day, when everyone is lost in their own selves.  As I wandered around the streets of Harvard Square, I talked to a few of the delivery men, greeting them with a "Good morning," and making small talk.  Perhaps they felt bad for me, as suburban  Mausi Gal didn't take her coat, thinking this thirty something degree day was going to reach the fifties!  Not so.  The chit chat and basic familiarity was a nice start to the day.  My primary thought was how I want the kidlets to experience this.  They need to see the city in its innocence.  I also began to ponder on a book I read while in college - The Shape of Content.  Everyone should read this.  Appreciate everything for what it is.  Experience everything.  Go.  Do.  Live.  Oh, how I forget this!

The class?  My topic was "Fearless Teaching."  What can I say, except that I was taken out of my comfort zone from the minute I tried to use my iPhone to walk there (of course I got lost), and then had to do exercises in pairs with my eyes closed.  It's a two part class, so next week I get to return.  We learned a number of activities, theatrical in nature, which we can incorporate into the classroom.  Although I consider myself an extrovert, when it comes to being forced to connect to people I get anxious.  And this class made me anxious!  At one point I had to be led around the room with my eyes closed by a partner, led only by her voice.  I have an issue with differentiating sounds, so that added a difficult dimension to the activity.  I so wanted to cry.  But my partner was so kind.  I have to remember that - people are generally good.  They will help you.

Following lunch with another teacher (also a wonderful person) I had time to wander around Harvard Square alone.  I visited my favorite store, filled with postcards and stationery, of course:

Black Ink is amazing.  Not only do they have a plethora of paper products of which I'm addicted, but they offer little items that would make the best surprises for my four year old niece and nephew, MissEmma and DrewBits.  I had to keep my wallet closed as I browsed around the store.  I finally settled on a magnetic Scrabble kit for my classroom, postcards for Postcrossing, and a book titled, "The Tiny Book of Tiny Stoires."  All I can say is this - buy this book.  It will make you think.  It will make you cry.  It will make you laugh.  The words are the smallest of stories, all wrapped up in a few sentences, but oh how they will grow in your imagination, and either haunt you or fill you with inspiration or glee for hours afterwards.
I will end with my favorite, which made me think of Kidlet A and Kidlet B as they grow older,
"Your heart has a little empty corner.  You won't even know I'm there - I'll be very quiet."

xoxo Mausi Gal

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