Sunday, November 10, 2019

Cancer There!

Me as a baldie!  

Sometimes, you need to embrace who are even when you may scare people.  But of course I'm talking about adults.  I'm not about ready to walk up to little children with my bald head and scream, "Boo!'  Baldness in women, I'm finding, is a unique thing.  Hence, I wear hats.  Dope hats.  And when needed? The wig!  Yes! Formal events call for the wig!

But hats? For me hats seem to be where it's at.  I feel free. And I've already talked about my love of Savers' hats!

Love is funny.  You never know where you'll find it. It may be in the guy that lives next door.  Or the co-worker you've been joking with for months.  Your friend from college that made you snort laugh over your chemistry notes.

Love isn't just the pseudo-romantic "I want to do you!" type.  It's the college roommate who jokes about the funny times.  Your sister-in-law who knows the family jokes. Your colleagues who remind you of how you of how you always throw the topic off topic.  And all of a sudden, the cancer seems like a side dish.  Kind of like limpy broccoli.

The strength i bring from from others is immense! I could write a book about it, and maybe I should!  From the many wonderful hats I received from Carol to the package from Cathy that made me smile for hours.  I had the coffee tonight!

At what point is one burnt out?  I don't know.  I am so thankful for all I have received.  I cannot say it enough.  And this is only 1/4 of what I have to say. #soblessed