Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Chocolate...and Life!

I found an amazing recipe for chocolate chip muffins that I ***must*** share.  Here it is:  Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Muffins.  Oh, and how they do not disappoint!  These muffins will not get stuck on the sides of your muffin tin like other muffins, leaving you sad and disappointed.  Don't you hate that?   You pull out a muffin and chips and muffin pieces remain.  Bummer!  But not with these muffins! They slid out perfectly - leaving you with beautiful muffins for your loved ones.  And yes - they are tasty and easy to make!

I made muffins today after a grueling migraine.  Alas, there were no Pop Tarts in the house and the boys needed a breakfast item for tomorrow.  Drive to the store or bake muffins?  You already knew which one won.  Am I sinner for even offering my boys Pop Tarts?  Possibly, but they do love them, and it's a breakfast item.  I do bake them cookies and/or brownies for treats in their lunch every day.  Can we have it all?  And still continue to drive around to a myriad of activities, grade papers, and try to write a novel and have a personal life?  I don't know.  It's tough.

The littles just got their driving permits.  So the fun begins!  Pretty soon they'll be independent, and I'll wonder where the time went.  Time, time, time.  I feel it creeping up on me, that time where I'll be totally alone without Kidlet A and Kidlet B, no longer baking muffins for them.

And that makes me sad...

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