Saturday, April 26, 2014

All Hail The Heels!

Being the single mom, I'm running in different directions constantly.  On Friday afternoon, that included running in different ways in four inch, open-toed, grey Etienne Aigner heels.  Why?  Kung-fu weapons class at 5:15.  But cheese and crackers for date during kung fu.  Go back and watch knives flying during weapons class.  Drop off kidlets at grandparents' home at 6:15.  Date at home for snackins at 6:25.  Go to see a play at 7:25.  Walk in heels the whole time and do not falter.  Flip that pleated, Lily Pulitzer spring, green skirt just right.  

Perhaps I was born in the wrong decade.  I love wearing heels.  I adore them.  So much so that I own about seventy pairs of shoes right now, mostly heels.  Did you hear that?!  Yes, I just made a public confession that I'm a shoe whore.  One woman at work said, "My husband said that's why you're divorced."  My comment?  "No, that's just why I'm lucky."  I'll confess that the majority of the shoe addiction started after the marital nupitals split.  Was I searching for something to complete me?  Let's stop with the psychoanalysis.  I like shoes.  Plain and simple.  And I buy them on the bargain rack - I can't say no to a $10 pair at DSW marked down from $100.  I put feelings on inanimate objects.  These babies need a home, and who better than me to give them one?  

So yesterday afternoon I marched into Market Basket, clothed in my 1950's cardigan and pleated skirt, completed with the heels and over-the-shoulder purse.  Throw back Friday I was!  Yes, I did get stares.  I know I did.  I didn't fit the mommy uniform of yoga pants and a sweatshirt, and dammit if I didn't.  I don't want to be there.  Ever.  Bring on the preppy cardigan before all else.  But you know what else?
It felt pretty good to be dressed up and about.  I felt empowered to be once again in heels.  Those that know me well know I've been away from heels from a few months due to an ankle injury (ouch!) and it's been tough.  But jeans with heels, skirts with heels - I love the dressed up look, even if it's for the supermarket.  Why not look your best when going out?  A few years ago we had an exchange student who remarked to us, "In our country if people went out in their pajamas we would think they had mental issues.  How come so many people go out in their pajamas here?"  I wonder.  

So the Stuart Weitzman's shown here are a bit out of my price range ($450-650 a pair), but still nice to drool over.  Any shoe call "The Lovepotion Pump" deserves recognition.  A girl can dream, right?

Bring on the heels!  Kick 'em up!

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