Here are the things that are floating around. There are a bunch for a vacation week. The inability to focus completely kicked in. Instead of doing my adulting things that were necessities, I focused on cleaning closets. And the garage. And finding TIDE in one of the kidlet's cars. TIDE! Unused! Two bottles of it! Travesty!
I collect TIDE. No joke. I kid around with my dad that if there's ever a zombie apocalypse or national emergency (no - NOT a wall needed!) I will be prepared with TIDE. Everyone has "their thing." Mine just happens to be a laundry project.
I love this Taylor Swift song...
"They're burning all the witches even if you aren't one
They got their pitchforks and proof, their receipts and reasons
They're burning all the witches even if you aren't one
So light me up (Light me up), light me up (Light me up)"
How's that for pop music? Adore it. Oh yes. Very true to our political climate, ne c'est pas?
And here I've jumped onto politics! Yes! MausiGal is going political in 2020! If you aren't on board with my views, that's cool. I appreciate that. I won't scream in your face what I believe. I'll treat you with respect as long as you treat me with respect - along with my friends who are of different cultures, races, those from the LGBT+ community, ages all around (don't hate on millennials and do not hate on elders. Learn from ALL!), and any gender identity. Classism sucks. Stop being a snob. Be thankful for what you have and give back.
I'm all for the Bern in 2020. Why? He's passionate. He comes from a working class family. Bernie back in 1963 was arrest for pleading the cause for equality. Listen to him speak. There's fire there. Ok. My Bern post for the week is complete.
On another note, I laughed / felt horrible / this was classic when I heard what happened when Kirsten Gillibrand was speaking and was interrupted by someone looking for ranch dressing! Let's face it. Running for President must be 1,000,000 times worse than running for middle school student council president. Not only will they call out your zits, but they'll slander your family, call your dog / cat / fish fat, and ask for tax returns. But in middle school you only have a cool pencil case (or lack thereof)! So imagine you're giving this rocking speech, and someone approaches you? I'd be pumped. And then they want to know where the ranch (ick!) dressing is? Me? I probably would have burst out laughing and told the person they needed to go with Vidalia Onion. Ever have that stuff? It's amazing. No joke. Ranch is so yesterday. Then I would have gone on a tangent about salad dressings, and the audience would either be 1) laughing hysterically thinking it was a comedy show; or 2) wondering why I was running for President because I was discussing condiments; or 3) me wondering if salad dressing is a condiment. Has the Presidency become a comedy show? Should I run? I am over 35, after all.
I'm off to go organize my desk that Parkour Guy helped set up. On an IKEA note, what the heck is going on with this diagram? His hand behind his back? That grin???? Thoughts?
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