Um, yeah. I just tried to Google fun images for flirting and dating. Well, wasn't that an epic fail! The above one I think just fits me perfectly. Different. Original. Unique. However, no one wants a misshapen avocado in the supermarket when they want to make that perfect guacamole, do they?
I've posted things over the years about my online dating experiences. What have I learned? That people are unique, just like me. I understand that not all of us can match up in this huge haystack called life. However, at the same time, one starts to see that online dating brings you to people that completely clash with your ideals - whether those be religious, political, or to your soul. Let's go beyond the boxes of favorite music, whether you work out every day, and if you are vegan or not.
Does online dating work? Supposedly. A recent search said between 17-20% of all marriages start off online. That's a pretty cool percentage. But out in the trenches? As a soon to be fifty something mujer? Ah hahahahaha. Let me tell you. It goes beyond ghosting.
As an empath, I tend to attract those who want help. So what have I had? Those who have no jobs at the age of 45. Or those who are completely broke. Nope. After two dates, I just cannot do it. I understand many people go through a flux in life, but I'm not willing (honestly) to start a relationship at that point. Maybe some other people are? That's great. Not me. I truly, truly detest those who spring this info on to you on the third date, after stating in their profiles that they're employed at such and such an industry.
We all have our quirks, me included. Seriously? Let's look at MausiGal's:
- Swede Mobiles
- Converse Sneakers
- Music that includes Rap and Alternative
- Swearing at odd moments (yup, sorry)
- Liberal to an extreme at times
- Little Black Dress? Screw that.
- Cats and dogs and fish!
- Too much caffeine to count
But I've met people who freaked when I told them I was so comfortable with my friend at Temple. Another when I said I did indeed own my own home.
One guy, I think, hit the nail on the head this summer when he said I truly should do an hour on The Moth radio. "Your personality. It's just so big. And I can't handle it."
How do you walk away from that? Seriously? Do I give up, as my mom suggests, and just be content with friends and family?
Time to throw in the towel?
I have some close female friends in your shoes ... 50s to late 50s... I love them for their awesomeness... their unique personalities, and yes you are attractive to guys out there who *are* stable and can handle big personalities, and have one themselves! ❤️