Sunday, February 17, 2013

Starting with Mousey...

Yes, I'm back with a blog.  I've had blogs over the years, but just didn't keep up with them.  The longest running one was  Ah, the car blog!  But, worship of a vehicle can only go on for so long now, can't it?  The purpose of this blog?  Simple wanderings.  Who knows where it will go.  When I attended the Young Writers' Conference at Middlebury College years ago an author there stated that the best way to become a writer was simply to write every day - no matter what the subject.  This is what I intend to do in this blog.  Simply write.  Unedited and without stress.

Why MausiGal?  Well, I was trying to think of a name, and just by chance Mentee (yes, the cast of characters in my blog will have nicknames, not real names), gave me a list of German Valentine's Day words.  Wow!  Zaubermäuse was on there, and how did I love that! It meant "Magic Mouse."  Fabulous, right?  Perfect name for a blog. Supreme.  Yes, already taken.  So, Mausi Gal it was.  When I was little I had imaginary friends who were mice.  To this day every time I fly I bring with me the stuffed mouse my mom bought for me when I was seven years old.  Mousey.  When Kidlet B turned about one and a half years old, he picked up Mousey and adopted him as his own for awhile.  We adore Mousey.  He's a special, magical little fella.

Yup, the goof above is me, along with my crooked smile that my amazing niece, Miss E, inherited.  Who am I?  I could be like everyone else and make that list of mother, daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend, teacher, mentor, yeah, like that.  But isn't that defining myself by everyone else?  Wouldn't you prefer to get to know me by all the crazy stories I'm about to tell?  I think that will be a bit more exciting!  Some will be funny, I'm sure some will be snarky (snary is as snarky does...), and some may just be sad.  Who knows where the road will take us.  But come along!