Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Oh, Mama! Don't Look!

I have no pictures today.  Why?  My mom has my computer, and all my photos are stored on my main laptop, not the Chromebook Baby.  

My. Mom. Has. My. Computer.

Access. Unlimited.

Did that just send a chill down your spine?

My mama (said with a French pronunciation), and I are very close.  We talk every morning, and she helps me so much with the kidlets.  In so many ways, Mama is always there for me.  Through thick and thin.  So, when her computer recently became infected with a virus and was rushed off to the computer hospital at Staples, I offered (gulp) to let her borrow mine.

You can imagine there's quite a pletora of items on that laptop.  Of course there's the usual tax information, school rubrics, and cat photos.  I've mentioned before that I'm a writer, so there's a number of rough drafts of various fiction works

Now, I'm no Anais Nin.  Erotica?  Nope, can't seem to write it.  But there are silly letters written to guys I've broken up with and then lamented over, words never sent.  Drafts of fictional stories during my whirling dervish moments in which I'm high up and then let down,

All at the fingertips of my mama.

I trust that she will not look at them.

There's a story in that alone...