I am at a loss as to what to write. I want to be witty. I want to be funny. I want to capture your attention so much that you come back again and again and want to read this blog whenever there's a new post.
But I am bewildered. There was the time I had this great idea to go off about the deli at the supermarket, but then my sister-in-laws totally dissed the idea. I was crushed. I thought it was funny. They did not. So it goes. Should I have written it anyway? Probably.
I worry too much about AUDIENCE. Do other writers do that?
Let's see. What do people want to hear me talk about? Perhaps the sordid world of online dating? Where one guy contacts you while he's chatting with four other women? Yeah, that's a fun time.
Call me jaded, but I've had enough. Up to hear of trying to pretend to be nice, to be sweet, to be patient.
I have a serious health problem going on, That is weighing on my mind like an anvil. Again, my mind is so blocked that I am coming up with the laziest of comparisons. An anvil. My mind. Can't I come up with anything more original than Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner for images? Being out of work for numerous weeks. What will I do? I don't like the idea of even being out for one day from my students. Flipped classroom, perhaps? The idea of me zooming in to my kids while I'm in my jammies is a bit, well, disturbing!
I worked on my novel this week, which was good. I downloaded a whole bunch of rough drafts to GoogleDocs (being the GoogleGirl that I am). It was great to go back and edit what I had written months ago. I felt invigorated at 4:30 am. But alas, after awhile it was time to go to work. Such is life. I need to focus this summer on my novel. Can I do it? I sure hope so.
RattieGirl gave me the idea to write about my fountain pens for a future blog post, which was great. I need more ideas, no matter what they are. Do you have them? I would so appreciate them, as I get through this awful New England winter and writer's block!
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