Friday, September 13, 2013

The Bloggie Is Back

The Bloggie is back, after about a month hiatus.  Whoa, what a time it's been.  I've truly missed writing, but every time I went to sit down at the beloved Chromebook Baby I was pulled away for one reason or another.  So tonight, a Friday night completely free, I am able to compose.

I miss summer.  Let me just start off with that.  I miss days in the sun at York Beach and the awesome times in Vermont, of which I'm already counting down until next year.  However, summer was kind enough to leave me with ten pounds extra from its iced mochas shared with Dads at Starbucks.  No amount of running seemed to keep the pounds at bay.  Egads.  Pass the elastic waistband, please...FAST!  I'm debating starting a secret weight loss blog, because I'm too embarrassed to post my own weight loss crapola on MausiGal.  Blah blah blah.  Been there, done that.  Who hasn't?  Why live in shame?  I'm back to working out every day on that treadmill, with the incline of ten (tell it to the mountain!) at four miles an hour.  I know I can lose it all, it's just a matter of sticking with it, and staying away from iced mochas.  And caramel macchiatos.  And scones.  And fettuccine.  Do we sense a problem?

Being alone on a Friday night has a stigma in our society, doesn't it?  I was speaking with someone recently and they were really curious as to what my weekend without kids would be like.  "So, what ARE you doing?!" was his question.  I'm vegging out.  Seriously.  With over 130 students to teach this year, I'm exhausted by the time i get home.  Combine that with two extremely active thirteen year old boys of my own, and I'm ready to throw in the towel.  My car has become the Mom Taxi, as much as I lament to say this.  I tell people I own a "sporty Volvo."  Who am I kidding?  I own a kid totting mobile!  This afternoon's kid pickup (four thirteen year old boys from the ice cream stand) held a lively conversation on the benefits of AXE deodorant.  This continued into how one may shower twice a day and still smell.  I teach middle school.  I feel their pain.  I live their pain on a daily basis!

I'm really content - honestly - to be here without an agenda - at the computer, jamming out to Tom Petty, and writing on the Chromebook.  Am I a hermit?  I don't think so.  I do like spending time with people, but I don't think I'm the type that honestly looks to go clubbing or out to bars on a Friday or Saturday night.  No, gracias.  I'm totally happy at home cooking my new specialty - clover bread!
I recently gave this to someone, and he told me how yummy it was.  He then proceeded to tell me they used it for French toast.  Um...French toast?  My awesome bread?!  Cut up and soaked in batter?  Should I be insulted or honored?  I'm a bit bewildered.  Isn't crappy bread suppose to be used for French toast?  Someone help me out here!  I've made a few loaves of this, and it's just delish.  Plus, it looks so pretty.  And who can say no to pretty? (Wasn't that the most shallow thing you've ever heard in this blog?)

So what's gone on in the past month?  I went on an IKEA binge, during which I had my left boob smashed by an IKEA worker who tried to help us load a mattress.  Ouch!  Love IKEA, hate their customer service.  I'll admit, I'm addicted.

My awesome grandmother had a stroke last Saturday, which is incredibly sad.  She's in her early nineties.  How can you express the thoughts you have when you see someone you adore go through such pain and confusion?  And then see her son, my Dads, go through such anguish over his mother?  it's awful.

I am falling asleep.  My days run from 4:00 am to 10:00 pm, so one can imagine way.  More later.  Hopefully I'll be able to pbdate before October!